Individualized Exercise Programs

Annette Osher, MD
Internal Medicine Physician & Cardiologist located in Upper East Side, New York, NY
If you’re unsure which exercise program is right for you, Annette Osher, MD, can help at her office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. She and her team offer individualized exercise programs based on your unique needs, overall health, and desired outcome. To book a physical exam or receive a personalized exercise prescription, call Dr. Osher’s New York City office, or use the online scheduler today.
Individualized Exercise Programs Q & A
What are individualized exercise programs?
Individualized exercise programs are safe, effective workout prescriptions Dr. Osher creates just for you based on your health and desired results. She takes into consideration your current fitness level, preferences, age, disease risk factors, and medical diagnoses if you have any.
What are the benefits of individualized exercise programs?
Some of the numerous benefits associated with individualized exercise programs from Dr. Osher include:
- Weight loss or healthy weight management
- A lower risk of chronic diseases
- Improved energy and strength
- Better blood sugar control
- Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol
- A lower risk of heart attack and stroke
- Fewer depression symptoms
Following individualized exercise prescriptions, rather than working out on your own, helps ensure the program you follow is effective for your personalized needs.
What should I expect during my appointment?
When you arrive at Dr. Osher’s office for a physical exam or individualized exercise program, she and her team check your weight, pulse, blood pressure, and other vital signs. She reviews your medical history, which includes past and current diagnoses, symptoms you might have, and any medications you may take.
Dr. Osher completes a comprehensive physical examination. She might recommend blood tests, bone density tests, imaging procedures, or cardiac evaluations, including electrocardiogram (EKG), Holter monitoring, or stress tests.
Which individualized exercise prescription is right for me?
After your physical exam and diagnostic tests, Dr. Osher asks about your lifestyle, time commitment for exercise, and workout preferences. She develops a custom exercise plan based on your desired outcome, overall health, and weight management goals. She and her team ensure your exercise program is safe and effective.
Dr. Osher also offers personalized meal plans and medical weight loss programs that aid in healthy weight management. She follows up with you periodically to check your vital signs, complete diagnostic testing as needed, and monitor your health. Dr. Osher can make changes to individualized exercise prescriptions whenever necessary, to fine-tune them.
Don’t neglect workouts because you haven’t found an individualized exercise program you can stick with long term. Call the office for an appointment, or book one online today.