Testimonials & Reviews

Annette Osher, MD
Internal Medicine Physician & Cardiologist located in Upper East Side, New York, NY
Dr. Annette Osher always appreciates feedback from her valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 15 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Dr. Annette Osher below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.
See What Our Patients Say About Us!
Dear Castle Connolly,
I wanted to put some thoughts down on paper and send them to you because I’m so please with Castle Connolly and especially with Dr. Annette Osher. It’s no surprise that I am a concierge Member of your company and Dr. Osher, my primary physician and cardiologist, since I have been her patient for over 25 years! However, since I’ve signed up with her, I’ve had some unusual medical issues and Dr. Osher has gone over and above expectations in terms of the attention and encouragement and she gave me as well as her usual excellent medical advice and showing care and empathy for my situation.
Most importantly after I was told by the doctors out of state that I needed a heart surgery Dr. Osher wasn’t “buying” it and with her encouragement I came back to NYC and she arranged for me to be seen by a physician at Mt. Sinai who was able to provide me with 3 stents in my heart and the results have been wonderful for me and of course, no bypass. She arranged it all a time which was stressful for me. She was proactive, protective, and present. We worked as a team.
I highly recommend Dr. Osher and I’m happy to be her patient and a participant in he Castle Connolly program.
Thanks for your participation in my health objectives.
Janet Wexler